
Kiemelt futam
Helyi idő szerinti rajtidő


Kerekesszékkel is elérhető

Kerekesszékes versenyzők is indulhatnak


Igyál vagy harapj valamit


A résztvevőlista megtekintése

Az esemény megosztása

Welcome to the Flagship Run Switzerland!

With its two lakes and magnificent mountain panorama, the region embodies a perfect symbol of Central Switzerland. At the Wings for Life World Run in Zug, you can look forward to a route through picture-book Switzerland.

On race day in Zug, you are highly likely to run at mild temperatures of approximately 18°C. Whereas some editions of the Wings for Life World Run were full of weather-related surprises: beautiful sunshine, rain, wind – we had it all. The weather can be changeable.


Schedule & Program

Saturday, May 3th in the training hall next to the Bossard Arena

  • 17:00 – 20:00: Check-In - Bib number pick up

Sunday, May 4th

  • 08:00: Gates open
  • 08:00 – 11:00: Late registration (Only if not sold-out)
  • 08:00 – 12:00: Check-In - Bib number pick-up at the Training hall next to Bossard Arena
  • 13:00: Race start
  • 13:30: Catcher Car start
  • 17:15 (approx.): Last participant caught
  • From 17:15 (approx.): Price giving
Legfontosabb tudnivalók az eseményről
Location information
Megtudhatod, milyen messzire juthatsz, mielőtt a Catcher Car utolér
Célom: 15 km
A Catcher Car
alatt ér utol. Legalább
iramot kell diktálnod,
Oszd meg most:

Nemzeti beszállító
